[Se] – User behavior on browser

Selenium provides a way to record and playback user interactions on web browsers, allowing developers to test the
functionality of their applications. Here’s an overview of user behavior on browser in Selenium:

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Recording User Interactions

When you use Selenium to interact with a web application, it records the following user behaviors:

  1. Mouse Events: Clicks, double clicks, right-clicks, drag-and-drop, and mouse movements.
  2. Keyboard Input: Typing characters, sending keyboard events (e.g., enter, tab).
  3. Navigation: Page navigation (e.g., clicking links, clicking buttons), back/forward browsing.
  4. Form Interactions: Filling out forms, submitting forms, selecting options from dropdowns.

Playback of Recorded User Behaviors

When you playback the recorded user interactions using Selenium, it simulates these behaviors on the target web
application. This allows developers to test their applications under different scenarios and identify potential

Example Use Cases:

  1. Automated Testing: Record user interactions for a web application and playback them using Selenium to
    ensure its functionality.
  2. Browser Scripting: Record and playback user interactions for a browser automation project, such as a script
    that simulates user behavior on a website.
  3. Web Scraping: Record user interactions while extracting data from a web page, allowing you to test the
    stability of your scraper.

Some examples of common actions

Open Browser

   from selenium import webdriver

   driver = webdriver.Chrome()  # Initialize Chrome browser
   driver.get("http://example.com")  # Open a website

Close Browser

   driver.quit()  # Close the entire browser

Maximize Window

   driver.maximize_window()  # Maximize the window
   driver.get("http://example.com")  # Navigate to a different URL

Refresh Page

   driver.refresh()  # Refresh the current page

Back and Forward

   driver.back()  # Go back to the previous page
   driver.forward()  # Go forward to the next page

Get Title

  • To retrieve the title of the current page, you can use the title property or a method provided by Selenium’s WebDriver.
   # Assuming 'driver' is your WebDriver instance
   title = driver.title  # Get the title of the current page
   print(title)  # Print the title to the console

Get Source Code

  • To retrieve the source code (HTML content) of the current page, you can use the page_source property provided by Selenium’s WebDriver.
   # Assuming 'driver' is your WebDriver instance
   source_code = driver.page_source  # Get the source code of the current page
   print(source_code)  # Print the source code to the console

Handling Alerts (also known as pop-ups)

  • When an alert appears in the browser, you can handle it using Selenium’s built-in methods for accepting or dismissing it.
   from selenium import webdriver
   from selenium.webdriver.common.alert import Alert

   driver = webdriver.Chrome()

   # Switch to the alert and accept it
   alert = Alert(driver)
   alert.accept()  # Accepts the alert
   # or dismiss it
   alert.dismiss()  # Dismisses the alert

Handling Windows/Tabs

  • You can switch between windows or tabs using WebDriver commands. Each window or tab is represented by a unique handle, which you can manage through Selenium’s methods.
   driver = webdriver.Chrome()

   # Open a new tab (or window) and navigate to another URL
   driver.execute_script("window.open('http://another-example.com', '_blank');")

   # Switch to the new tab/window by its index (0 is the original tab)

Handling Frames

  • To interact with elements inside frames or iframes, you need to switch the context to the frame first.
   # Switch to an iframe by its name or ID
   driver.switch_to.frame("iframe-name")  # Replace 'iframe-name' with the actual name or ID of the iframe

   # To switch back to the main content after interacting with the iframe, use:


  • args0 = argument 1 (tham số ở vị trí đầu tiên)
  • Các hàm bắt đầu bằng get thì thường sẽ trả về kiểu dữ liệu

Best Practices:

  1. Use Explicit Waiting: Use explicit waiting mechanisms (e.g., WebDriverWait) to wait for specific elements
    or conditions to be present before proceeding with playback.
  2. Avoid Over-Loading the Browser: Avoid over-loading the browser with too many interactions in a short
    period, as this can slow down your test or cause issues.
  3. Use Proper Data Handling: Handle user input data correctly and securely, using methods like parameterized
    testing to avoid hardcoding sensitive information.

By recording and playing back user interactions on browsers using Selenium, you can create robust automated tests
that simulate real-world scenarios and help ensure the stability of your web applications.

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